Sods law has taken up permenant residence in my life.
I've only realised this recently,after looking back through my life!!
Yep sod has always been here & still is,I'm sure Many people have also had "sod" creep into their life,I do think he picks his victims though & really puts a lot of effort into some!,me being one,easy target maybe?
Anyway sod -" sod's law" has his permenent fixture in my life
and I've come to accept him,in fact I "Expect him" ,a lot of the time I actually sit & wait for his havoc to appear,by my age & experience I know he's coming.
He is most deffinatley a MAN,I have no proof but trust me,he's a MAN!!.
I'll give some examples(these are just a few out of many)
Of this wan*er Sod(whot IS A MAN)
ok here are just a few examples only over the last few years (if I listed all he's done it would be never ending!)
Randomly ......
1)today I had to go & do some bits & bobs for moving house in the next few days,basic stuff ,post office to re_ direct post,council offices to sort out council tax & inform them of new adress,etc,etc.
first off it's pouring down with rain so I grab my rain coat & off I go,first stop post office,I park up in a small space & I'm doing well ,(for me),I'm satisfied even though my bumper is kind of in the road,I turn off my engine & a van comes down the road ,cars parked both sides which I'm totally unawear of ,untill I get out of my car to the abuse of the (MAN) van driver!9.45am,pissing down with rain,I get out of **slightly** bad parking to ...
"oyyy how the F you think I'm goin to get through here you silly bitch",he could have got through if the other car coming the opposite way had not gone at the same time as him,but in his eyes it was my fault. So I was not in a " oh I'm so sorry silly me mood"
I got out told him to watch his language & deal with it & slipped in wanker as I walked into post office.
All I want to do is re direct my post & I've brought along all the relevant documents it says,I que up for 20 mins & hand it all in & before the woman says anything I already know Sod is here!!!
" sorry mrs Palmer we need 2 different utility bills in both names"," I'm afraid we can't process this without 2 different utility bills". Even though I've digged out both pasports & my driving licence & a utility bill,even though the woman knows me & I've qued up for ever I need 1 more utility bill!!!!!!!!!
I storm out,I drop all the paper work etc,so it's all wet through!!
I go back to my car & find my wing mirror on the road,"Sod is here & working well today"!!,it's only 10am!!
pick up wing mirror & drive off into town,park on car park & pay for 1 hour,I've only got to go to the bank & council offices.
I get to bank ,it's closed ,Wednesday half day closing,opens at 1pm,it's 1030am.
Next stop council offices to tell them new adress & pay off existing council tax.
hand my form in which by now is sodden & tell her what I want to do,pay up & give new adress details,'simple'?
"When do you move mrs Palmer"?, in 2 days I say!!!
"sorry we can't process it untill you ate actually moved"
I ask why?
" It is just the way our records work I'm afraid,sorry"
I don't swear I just say "FINE"
bank not open I go to Look at bedding in shop just next to car park,'Wey Hey,they actually have super king size fitted sheets & duvets,so I get what I need & more &.I'm pleased I've finally got what I've been looking for.
hobble with my bags in the rain to my car ,shove it all in the boot & get in my car,my freshly blow dried hair is now a frizz,my skin looks bad & I feel sick,im going to leave the bank till tomorrow,
Just before I drive off I see the fecking yellow ticket in my window,20 min over my time!!!
"sod is having a right laugh"
OK cry & stress,then decide to go to have an early lunch in the cafe just over the road,pay & display again put stupid god damm ticket in glove compartment.
Food will cheer me up!!.
I walk in to cafe,head down into the back bit of the cafe,so bloody hungry even though it's not yet dinner time I order soup & a paninie. Then I will have a cake,no one knows me in here so it doesn't matter!!
"The ultimate SODS LAW day"
My ex walks into this stupid cafe,full of old folk,just would not happen!!,but sod was on me & it did happen.My soup & paninie arrived as he & his new piece sat down .
Had a taste of soup,whilst trying to look busy on my phone & took out pad and pen,to look busy,quick bite of paninie,pass on the cake & go to pay,thinking how big my arse looks in the jeans I'm wearing & my hair is all frizzy,REALLY SODS LAW.
This is pretty much a normal day for me at the moment,sod is with me a lot recently,wish he'd move on,I'm sure I've had my fair share of him .... SOD OFF!!!!!!!
-posted by Jk