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Life is a lesson you'll learn it when you're through.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Before I kick the bucket

A friend pointed out to me that I should make a list of things I want to do/achieve before I kick the bucket. So here is my list,in no spesific order,I'll just randomly write it & blog when I've done/achieved any-(if I'm still here)
1)sort out my physical health.
2)achieve mental stability (?)
3)Go back to college
4)Get nvq level 2 in beauty Therapy.
5)Do numerous nail tec courses.
6)Set up nails & beauty,within or alongside the hair salon.
7)have a fancy dress party.
8)raise money for the British heart Foundation.
9)join a yoga class
10)try zumba.
11)loose at least 1 & half stone.
12)Go to London for a weekend .
13)take my mum on a pamper weekend.
14)take dance lessons.
15)Swim with dolphins .
16)eat at one of marco pier White resturantes.
17)Eat oysters & drink cristal champaign.
18)Go to the theatre.
19)Holiday in Florida ,Disney Land,as a family.
20)Go on a cruise.
Okay,that will do to be going on with,before I kick the bucket X

-posted by Jk

I've been 'Tagged',find out more about me.

One of my Twitter friends,@123andbreathe has tagged me into the Q&A meme.
The questions below are usually the format the guardian use when interviewing celebs,as you are about to find out,I am far from a celeb!!!.
Q1)Which living person do you most admire,and why?
A)This is a tricky one as there are a few people in my life I admire for different reasons,overall I'd have to say my dad.He is the most incredibly honest,genuine,selfless person I've ever known & I look up to him & admire everything he is.
Q2)What is your most embarrasing moment?
A)My god,I've had a hell of a lot of embarrasing moments,I have them on a weekly basis!!. One of them has to be when I was cutting a clients hair & accidently cut through the fine gold chain she was wearing,I was young & paniked & with this decided not to say a word about it to her & put it in the bin(I know shameful), the same day the client came into the salon & asked me & the other girls if we'd seen her necklace,she thought it may have come off in the salon?....
To my absolute horror the Saturday girl announced,"Yea I found a necklace when I was emptying the bin" at this point I excused myself to go on my dinner hour.ohh the shame,that poor woman!!
Q3)When were you the happiest?
A)I was at my happiest when I was working in my first salon for a very good friend,I had some wonderful friends & had an amazing few years,age 16 to 20,my happiest years!!
Q4)Aside from property,what is the most expensive thing you have ever bought?
A)Hmm,I've had expensive things bought for me,the most expensive thing I've gone out & bought myself would be..ey this is hard,I have put money into my business,that's the most I ever spent,but bought is a hard one because I tend not to spend a lot on myself,unless prompted by my husband.... I know,I bought myself a Babour wax coat last winter,which cost £150 ish.
Q5)What is your most treasured possession?
A)My wedding band & engagment ring & pandora charm bracelet,oh & my watch/am I allowed 3 ??
Q6)Where would you like to live?
A)I have always lived in the north & I love it,I adore the ribble valley,I'm happy here ,would be perfect if we had a second home in France for the summer.
Q7)what's your favourite smell
A)Agent Provocateur Maitresse.
Q8)Who would play you I'm the film of your life?
A)No matter how long I think about this question,I can't come up with an answer. I'm not that clued up on celebs,can think of who I like actress wise,but can't think of a person to play me
Q9)What is your favourite book?
A)I love Reading & have read so so many good books,I do not have just one favourite so I'll pick one of my top 5 favourite books
Which is,'Wild Swans'by Jung Chang.
Q10)What is your most UN-appealing habit?
A)Repeating myself (so I'm told)
Repeating myself ?'!! Apparently
Q11)What would your fancy dress costume of choice be?
A)Well I've never been to a fancy dress party,if I were ever to go to one I would want to go as Marylin Monroe.
There were 25 questions but the rest have vanished???
-posted by Jk

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Mothers day / 2011

These pictures are of my baby boys,at one day old.
The first photo is my Oliver
The second is my Theo
They are so very precious to me,they are the best things that have ever happened in my life,I am blessed to have my boys,truly blessed.
I can remember both my pregnancies & births like they were only yesterday,I can recall every detail & can feel every emotion,it's hard to believe that my boys are now,10 & 3 years old.
I know everyone says this but it is so very true,"they grow up so fast".